Everyone is familiar with the use of dropdowns for navigation. They are used in Windows and in all Office programs and in many other locations.
They are a great way to navigate around a PowerPoint presentation but it can be difficult to achieve without vba code and even then using code will prevent their use in the free viewers or if macro security is set too high. As well as looking professional drop down menu do not obscure or fill the menu slides with large amounts of text links until the menu drops down.
This method avoids these complications and will work in PowerPoint 2002 - 2010 or in the free 2003, 2007 or 2010 viewers.
The new Add In version is simple to use and integrates fully with the ribbon in versions from 2007. Simply click the button, enter the number of drop down items required and fill in the text needed and hyperlink locations and the add in will create the menu instantly. All animations and links are automatically added for you. The AddIn populates the Slides drop down automatically making it easy to choose the hyperlink destination.